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Exercise Habits Slipping Amongst Older Adults

When younger, it’s easier to get away with not maintaining a regular fitness plan, or feeling okay about being a couch potato. But, as the years move on, it’s important that you keep on moving with them.

In England, a troubling new study revealed more than six million middle-aged people (40- to 60-years-old) don’t commit themselves to taking a brisk walk at least once a month. According to Public Health England (PHE), 41% of the 15.3 million English adults who fall in that age bracket walk fewer than 10 minutes continuously, each month, at a minimum pace of 3mph.

“I know first hand that juggling the priorities of everyday life often means exercise takes a back seat,” said Dr. Jenny Harries, the Deputy Medical Director of PHE. “Walking to the shops instead of driving or going for a brisk 10-minute walk on your lunch break each day can add many healthy years to your life.”

Professor Sir Muir Gray added: “Walking just 10 continuous minutes at a brisk pace every day can reduce” an “early death by 15%.”

What’s more, Sir Gray noted such activity could also “prevent or delay the onset of disability,” as well a reduce the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, dementia and various forms of cancer.

If you’re able to, we certainly encourage you to move around as much as you can. Your body will thank you for the added attention!

-Adam Grant

Are medical advances dealing better with Zoomer-age health issues? This question, and many more, are explored in a recent episode of theZoomer. You can watch it below.