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99-Year-Old Woman Teaches Computers to Fellow Seniors

As time moves forward, so does technology. For some, such fast-moving advancements can be tough to keep up with, let alone comprehend. Fortunately, there are people in the world like Winnipeg’s Isabella Dryden.

At the age of 99, Dryden – a retired school teacher – is currently teaching computer technology four times a week to seniors at Creative Retirement Manitoba, as well as the Winnipeg Chinese Cultural and Community Centre. For this gracious volunteer work, Dryden has been presented the Community Service Award by Brian Bowman, Mayor of Winnipeg.

Dryden’s teaching career began at a one-room school in Virden, Manitoba, just prior to her eighteenth birthday. However, Dryden told the Winnipeg Sun that educating others was a part of her life long before that.

“I was the oldest child in the family, so I taught my brothers and sisters,” said Dryden. “So my teaching actually started when I was around six or seven when I was teaching my siblings how to read and write and count.”

As for her current students, Dryden – who will turn 100 this October – notes that some are caught off guard when they discover that she will be teaching them something as complex as computers.

Offered Dryden: “I’m sure when they see me walk slowly into the room with my white hair, they wonder what I’m doing at the front of the classroom.”

She continued: “I just enjoy working with people, and watching them as the learning process goes on. I can tell right away if I’m getting the message across to a student, or whether I’m way out in left field just by looking at their eyes. All of a sudden you see their faces glow and you know that they’re getting it.”

To ensure her students receive the proper education, Dryden works hard to continually stay up to speed with evolving technology. As a result, she plans to keep on teaching as long as she can.

Concluded Dryden: “As long as I’m able to get the lessons across to the students and am able to get to the place where I’m teaching, I’ll keep carrying on.”

On a recent edition of “theZoomer,” we explored what life is like for centenarians who are living prosperous and fulfilling lives. You can watch that episode below.

-Adam Grant